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- Drug Prevention And Control
Drug - Drug Abuse and illicit now become a very worrying and likely to
increase as well as a joint problem that involves the government and
society that requires a strategy that involves all components that come
together in a joint motion to implement the strategy of "balancing and
integrating revenue reduction and demand reduction "so that the program
can successfully use P4GN covering the following areas1. Field of Drug Abuse Prevention.Preventing
drug abuse by increasing institutional capacity across related fields,
improve the quality of individual officers, and generate awareness,
concern and active participation of the entire community through
non-governmental organizations (NGOs), religious institutions,
community organizations, community leaders, students and youth, workers and other agencies in the community. (Education, Social Health, Social-Moral, Social-Economic-OR youth & Labor). Perredaran
prevent tampering and dark, with the efforts that encourage and inspire
community-based awareness, concern and active participation of the
entire community with the motto of encouragement is "Prevention is
better than cure", is
The strategy of pre-emptive (Prevention Indirect)An
indirect prevention is, eliminating or reducing the factors that drive
the emergence of a chance or opportunity to commit abuse and illicit
drugs, with usahakegiatan by creating awareness, awareness, vigilance,
and the deterrent power of society and forged conditions, behaviors and
healthy life without drugs .
National Strategy for Business promotionPromotion
efforts undertaken by development activities dn drug free society
development, coaching and developing a healthy lifestyle, faith,
positive activities, productive, constructive and creative.
National strategy for communication, information and prevention education.
* Preventing drug abuse is especially geared to young people (kids, teens, students, youth, and students). Abuse
as a result of a complex interaction of individuals with various
elements of the environment, especially with orng parents, schools,
communities and other remajapemuda, therefore information and education
Prevention Strategy implemented through 7 (Seven) pathway is
* Family, targeting parents, children, youth, teens and other family members.
Education, schools or outdoor education gurutenaga sekolahdengan target
groups and participants learn didikwarga both curricular and
extra-curricular activities.
* Religious institutions, ith target religious leaders and parishioners.
* Social organization, with the goal of remajapemuda and society.
* Organization Regional Settlements (LKMD, RT, RW), directed against people, especially community leaders and local youth.
* The units of work, with the goal of Directors, employees and their families.
Mass media both electronic, print and Interpersonal Media (Talk shows
and interactive dialogue), with wide and individual goals.
National Strategy for High-Risk GroupThis
strategy specifically disisapkan remajapemuda remedy at high risk, ie
those who memepunyai many problems, which with preventive education
alone is not enough stimulation does not touch the problems they are
experiencing. In
general, these problems, involving family life drop outputus school
girlfriend broke up, pregnancy outside nkah, peer pressure (peer
group), glandangan and neglected children, and others.
National Strategy for Community participationThis
strategy is a community-based prevention strategies, in an effort to
inspire, encourage and motivate people to be aware, concerned, and
active in the prevention of abuse and illicit drugs. Successful
strategies ni really insured at partisispasi community in efforts to
promotion, prevention education, and treatment of high-risk groups. Forces in society in mobilisir to actively organize programs in the areas such ditas.
successful implementation of prevention, pembrantasan, abuse and
illicit drugs indicated by the achievement of performance indicators
that show the successful implementation of the program are as follows
Field of Prevention
* Increase public awareness about the dangers of drug abuse
* Increasing public knowledge about the dangers of drug abuse.
* The occurrence peubahan attitudes towards drug abuse dangers.
* Increased ketrapilan society against drug abuse
* Increased community participation in the prevention of drug abuse dangers.