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Unknown On Minggu, 18 November 2012

How to treat thrush - thrush is a disease that often come and mengambuhi people at any age. Objects such as thrush pain in the tongue, gums and lips will experience a painful wound that is very disturbing if this disease. Not surprisingly, people who suffer from canker sores will go down productivity because kurangnnya appetite, spirit and weary pain.

Actually thrush is not a serious disease. Without drinking obatpun, this disease will be cured within a few days to a week. But, if you do not want serasakan sick during that time, you can try some tips on how to treat thrush naturally below.

treatment of ulcer disease
Set of traditional medicine to treat ulcers

To treat and accelerate healing of ulcers, use one of the traditional ingredients below are considered the most comfortable easy to do.
Using ground coffee

Grab a coffee in powder form and bubuhi on the affected sprue. Wait a few moments and then gargle with water to clean the rest of the coffee. Perform this process to recover for 2-3 days.
Coconut water

Young coconut water can be used for rinsing kija happen sprue. Choose a green coconut for better results
jambu water

Abil bark on young guava approximately 10gr. Clean up and dispose of it the way pulverized and mixed with half a cup of boiled water. Strain and use the water to rinse.

To speed up the healing, you can also use salt, because salt will draw the fluid in the wound canker sores. Dicamput Use warm water with salt, and rinse three times daily wear.
Garlic and papaya

Apply the medication directly to the wound canker sores can also speed up the healing process. Use raw onion, papaya or tea bags directly on the wound canker sores.

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