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Unknown On Sabtu, 17 November 2012

Waste is an issue that was never resolved to date, although some developed countries have to crack down on people who like littering, but has yet to make the exhaust litter becomes a deterrent, especially to developing countries that do not even have laws that clear about these problems.
Just a reminder, about any impact arising from uncontrolled garbage strewn around us.Definition of Waste
There are a lot of answers if we asked "what crap?". According to the formulation of some experts:

"Waste is a material that has no value or no value for the ordinary or main purpose of the fabrication or use of defective or flawed in a manufacturing or fabrication of surplus or rejected materials or waste." (Dictionary of Terms Environment, 1994).

"Waste is anything that is not useful anymore, pemilikya or discarded by the original user." (Tandjung, Dr. M.Sc., 1982)

"Waste is a resource that is not ready-made". (Radyastuti, W. Prof., Ir, 1996).

"Waste is a waste or discarded material from other human activities and the results of natural processes that do not have economic value." (The term for the management environment, Ecolink, 1996).

Types of Waste
Types of waste that are around us quite a wide range, there is comes from households, industrial waste, waste from markets, hospital waste, agricultural waste, plantations and farms and waste from institutions / office / school etc..
Based on the composition / origin waste can be classified into 2 (two) are:
1. Organic waste.
Organic waste is waste generated from biological materials that can be degraded by microbes or are biodegradable. Garbage is easily described in a natural process. Most household waste is organic. Including organic waste, such as waste from the kitchen, food scraps, wrappers (besides ketas, rubber and plastic), flour, vegetables, fruit skins, leaves and twigs.
2. Inorganic rubbish (non-organic).
Namely inorganic waste generated from non-biological materials, both as a product and the processing technology of synthetic minerals, processed baan biological and so on.Inorganic waste can be divided into:

* Metal waste and products olahanya,
* Plastic waste,
* Waste paper,
* Waste glass and ceramics,
* Waste detergent,
* Etc..
Some inorganic substances as a whole can not be parsed by the natural / microorganisms (unbiodegradable). While some others can only be described in a long time. This type of waste at the household level such as plastic bottles, glass bottles, plastic bags and cans.
Based on physical properties, waste is classified into five categories, including:

1. Wet Waste (Garbage).
Composed of organic materials that have properties easily decompose (food scraps, fruit or vegetables). The main properties of the organic waste contains a lot of water and decompose quickly, especially in tropical regions such as Indonesia.
2. Dry Waste (Rubbish).
Composed of organic and inorganic materials that are slow or not easily decompose. Dry waste is made up of two groups:
Metallic >> Rubbish - eg old iron pipes, tin cans.
Non Metallic >> Rubbish - such as paper, wood, fabric remnants, glass, mica, ceramics and rocks
3. Soft trash.
Composed of tiny particles, light and easy flying characteristic has, which can harm and interfere with breathing and eye.
Dust >>, from sweeping floors or buildings, craftsmen dust, chalk dust factory, cement factory, weaving factory, and others.
Abu >> comes from the combustion of wood, ash, husk ash, waste burning, and others.
4. Big Trash (Bulky Waste).
Waste is large, ie the former furniture (chairs, tables), appliances (refrigerator, TV), and others.
5. Hazardous and Toxic Waste (Hazardous Waste).
The hazardous waste is good for humans, animals and plants, which consists of:
Garbage >> pathogens, such as waste from hospitals and clinics.
>> Toxic waste, such as the remnants of pesticides, insecticides, paper wrappers toxic materials, batteries used, and others.
Garbage >> radioactive waste in the form of nuclear materials.
Garbage >> explosion, such as firecrackers, gunpowder from trash wars, and so on.

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