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Unknown On Jumat, 16 November 2012

Coffee is one of the types of drinks that can be enjoyed by all people. Both the top and the bottom. Once famous for its coffee only black coffee, but now no longer so. The coffee was much mixed with an assortment of flavors, such as milk, chocolate, and more. His name was from the start a cappucino, coffelatte, or moccacino are seen at a cafe or restaurant branded "coffee".Even the coffee trap has become a "prestige" for the community. There is a special restaurant or cafe that sells coffee drinks at exorbitant prices. Many people now go out just for coffee and chat with relatives.I really liked the coffee, not just for the prestige, but I really liked this one kind of drink. As a student, of course, the usefulness of coffee for me is a friend to stay up for the sake of doing the coursework. Not for prestigeThis time I will discuss about the benefits and dangers of coffee.During this time there are many who think about the harmful effects of coffee consumption. But actually, if taken properly (not excessive) coffee has some benefits for preventing diseases that attack our bodies.Regarding the benefits of the coffee itself was already reflected in its name, "coffee" is taken from the Arabic word "qahwah" which means "strength". The word was later changed qahwah in different languages ​​are "kahveh" (Turkey) - "koffie" (Netherlands) - "coffee" (Indonesia).Based on the results of research conducted by the Harvard Women's Health, the benefits of drinking coffee a few cups a day can prevent us from type 2 diabetes, colon cancer, Parkinson's, kidney stones, to cirrhosis / damaged liver function, and prevent us from declining cognitive brain.Meanwhile, according to the results of 20 studies conducted by various researchers around the world to explain the benefits of coffee can actually keep us from the attacks of type 2 diabetes by 50%. Chlorogenic acid content and substance trigonelin (pro-vitamin B3) which is found in coffee may inhibit the absorption of sugar, stimulating the formation of the hormone insulin and GLP-1.Some of the benefits of coffee for health are as follows:

* To avoid heart attacks and strokes. Coffee has a content that can keep us from heart attack to stroke. This has been demonstrated in a study involving more than 83,000 women aged 24 years or more. They drank 2-3 cups of coffee / day. The results showed that these women had a 19% lower risk than non-coffee drinkers. It also carried out on some Finnish men. And the results obtained are also relatively common.
* To avoid attack cancer. The benefits of coffee is known from a variety of research done consistently by researchers. The results showed that liver cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer could be prevented by the consumption of coffee.
* To prevent cirrhosis.
* To avoid Parkinson's disease.UNFORTUNATELY, coffee drinking often led to the effect of "addiction" both psychologically and physiologically. Common characteristics such as coffee addiction fatigue or tired, listless and sleepy that day just did not drink coffee. Reasonable is consuming as much as 85-200 mg coffee or 1-3 cups of coffee. However, drinking coffee above 250 mg once can cause health problems, such as heart palpitations, anxiety, insomnia (trouble sleeping), nervous tremors (shaking hands), and even nausea to vomiting.Coffee drinking is also harmful to the suffering of hypertension (high blood pressure) because the compound caffeine can cause blood pressure to rise sharply. In addition, coffee can also increase blood flow to the kidneys caused by urine production increases. So, do not be surprised if soon after consuming coffee fast bladder is full.Drinking too much coffee can also reduce fertility, especially when combined with alcohol. For women the age of menopause, drinking coffee in large quantities can increase the risk of kekeroposan bones (osteoporosis).Similarly, researchers report from the Harvard School of Public Health, as noted Balch and Stengler in Prescription for Natural Cures. While leaving a question mark Happenings case, they found that women who consume 5-7 grams of caffeine per month (the equivalent of two cups of coffee per day) had twice as likely than those not exposed endrometriosis caffeine.The problem impacts rude or filtered coffee iini studied by a number of researchers in the Netherlands. They observed high levels of homocysteine ​​in the blood of a coffee addict. Homocysteine ​​is a substance that is formed when the body remove proteins. Though closely associated with homocysteine ​​increased the risk of heart disease.Although it was not clear exactly how the essential amino acids interfere with the heart, it is evident that these zazt often cause injuries in various layers of the arteries and then into a fatty acid and calcium buildup. This could lead to a shift embankment walls of the arteries (arteriosclerosis).On the other hand according to Dr. Elvina Naidoo, nutritionists, homocysteine ​​body needs for a variety of biochemical reactions, especially in the process of changing methionine into sistationin and was instrumental in forming propionilkoa (substance that plays a role in fat metabolism and karbbohidrat), as long as the levels are not high. Normal levels of 7-22 ug mol / L.A Dutch researcher added, two weeks after each day of drinking six cups of coffee, someone homocysteine ​​concentrations up 10% of the normal rate. Likewise, cholesterol and triglycerides. However, this increase is not permanent. When coffee is stopped and the healthy state of the body, homocysteine ​​can naturally kalebihan normal again. In addition to reducing caffeine, increased levels of homocysteine ​​can also be prevented by reducing consumption of animal protein which contains methionine.When the day drinking coffee 1.360 g crude (about 6-7 cups), estimated the risk for heart attack or stroke increased by 10%. Besides vitamin b6 can be reduced to 21%.On that basis it is better not drink coffee, especially for those at high risk of heart disease. If one must drink coffee, for we should only 1-3 cups a day (the European standard for 3-5 cups). It was not at bedtime. Coffee can be replaced by a glass of orange juice, green vegetables, along with vitamin B6 and B12 types of foods and beverages do not contain zinc and caffeine but high in minerals, vitamins and folic acid. Whereas vitamin B6, B12 and folic acid plays an important role in lowering levels of homocysteine ​​in the body, so that coronary heart disease could be avoided.

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