How Breaking into network access Hotspot
To post this time, it is hoped a computer science course as well. How about breaking the cafe hotspots and wireless networks (wifi) you can catch another existence, Okey.
trick can also be use to find the password used by a person in
accessing hotspots usually use a prepaid card or a member of a cafe
Why! Watch carefully ya!
Simple tool that prepared the heck wrote:
- A set of Laptops: Pc also be taxable wireless, home networking hotspotnya nyampek.
- Charger laptop: because it would take a lot of battery power when gratisNgakakNgakak internet craze.
Software required:
1. AngryIP Scanner (108 kb): This software for scanning ip and mac address find victims. Software search on google aja kok small size. Stay put aliases do not need installation.
2. Mac Addres Chager (312 kb): This software mac addres dipergunkan to replace us. Mac Address? Explain the important need not be makeknya, ngeti uncertain as we go along. (Origin of the not far-distant "^ _ ^"). Please search on google.
Immediately wrote today to do:
1. Find a hotspot service provider location, certainly in the area of the hotspots in the network affordable.
2. Turn
on your laptop, and also turn your wireless network and look at the
wireless network system tray icon, then right click and select view
avalible wireless network, and of course after that you have to connect
to a wireless hotspot your destination.
3. After connect, right-click the system tray and select status> choose details tab> look there ip given to us. Write down the ip.
4. Open the program and enter the ip Scanner AngryIP we will scan range (use the data we had ip) on the top. For
example: an IP we can kemuadian enter the first column
range ip ip us in accordance with the earlier but replace the number at
the end with 1 being and in the second column write the
same but the numbers one end was replaced with 255 being results to and click start (red button).
5. After scanning we will get data ip that life is connected to the hotspot. after
scanning is complete then see a live ip (alive hosts) blue right-click
on the live ip ip Right-click on the blue color was right click>
show> mac address and there will be code mac addres (mac addressnya
sometimes does not appear, select Any other ip). Note that we get the mac address.
6. Open Mac Address Changer program that we have prepared. There is a mac address field. well now just change the mac address to the one we got earlier and press change mac id.
7. Wait for mac we aan replaced and a temporary connection and connect again automatically disconnected itself.
8. Log firefox web browser or anything goes. Enjoy Free Internet ...
One thing to remember is that we ride the system of data transfer on our account was hacked (which has ip before, sorry ...). If I still usually to outsmart is to enter the hotspot login page status (to account). eg / status and it looks so go there prepaid card code
number and we note only, then logout and log back in to the hotspot
login page that quickly enter the password before. This
will make us able to access the Internet directly without a ride again
(because who make it our prepaid card code) so if anyone wants to login
to use the card (which has code) when you login to use the card of
course he would not be able to enter because of cardnya prepaid cards "already logged in".
I suggest, as I do is to ride alone, because I do not want to go too
far, like the way I Tell to log off and log in again will certainly
make the owner can not log in. Kasian right?
So mumpung already dikasi free, why not ride it, yes, it was counted cuman ngakses bandwagon with'm not too detrimental. Ask permission Direct also has not rejected the possibility that, as long as their interests are urgent.
For Ip Sacanning I can also use the application to determine the condition dude computers connect to the hotspot. Can be tried also yes.