Fine art Regional Applied
Applied art or art wear (applied art) is a work of art that is made to meet the practical needs. Examples of applied arts, namely: architecture, posters, ceramics, clothes, shoes, and others. In the manufacture of disposable art usability factors usually take precedence over beauty or artistic factor. Creating works of applied art looks more difficult than pure art. It may have made the pure art feels more free than making works of applied art because it does not account for the function. However, often the opposite, painting can be more difficult than making a home stay.
(From Indonesian Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
below are some examples of works of applied art areas:
1. Architecture
Temple is one of the works of applied art, central java incredible,
there are many other architectural masterpiece that we can see here
(Click on the picture temple)
works of art in Central Java is so diverse and many kinds, ranging from
ancient to modern, maybe we can distinguish the architecture of the
past, modern, Islamic, and traditional.
citizens of Central Java of course we are proud, that our ancestors
were able to make good works, great and wonderful people. certainly the younger generation we will maintain that heritage and create greater work l; agi.
for those who want to travel in Central Java and DIY "DIJATENG TOUR GUIDES AND DIY"
2. Poster
Poster or placard is a work of art or graphic design that includes the composition drawing on paper and letters are large. Its application to the taped on the wall or other flat surface with the nature of the eye look as strong as possible. Because it is typically made with poster colors and strong contrast.
Posters can be a means of advertising, education, propaganda, and decorations. Besides it can also be a copy of the famous works of art.
(From Indonesian Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
cantoh image poster (click image to see more)
3. Ceramics
Ceramic was originally derived from the Greek meaning Keramikos a form of clay that has undergone the process of combustion.
and encyclopedias define the 1950's as a result of ceramic art and
technology to produce goods from burnt clay, like pottery, tile,
porcelain, and so on. But, not all tiles from clay. Definition of terms for ceramics include all non-metallic and inorganic solid. (Joseph, 1998:2). (Click image to see more)
4. Clothes / Apparel
traditional clothes commonly called the Javanese dress has a symbol or
metaphor for the Javanese people, especially ordinary wear. Clothing piwulang sinandhi kejawen full, rich teaching philosophy implied associated with Java.
in fashion kejawen is teaching to do everything in this world in
harmony, which deals with day-to-day activities, either in conjunction
with others, with ourselves, and with God Almighty.
1. IketIket head strap is formed in such a way that shaped headgear. How to wear iket should kenceng, strong bond that is not easily dislodged.
the Javanese sense iket is human should have thought kenceang, not
easily swayed just because a situation or another person without
careful consideration.
2. UdhengUdheng worn on the head with how to wear like wearing a hat. Udheng means mudheng or understand clearly. This means that people will have a solid idea if understood and to understand the purpose of life.
That is, people always look for the truth of life and living or sangkan Paraning of being. Besides
udheng also means that people should have keahlian.ketrampilan and can
carry out their work with the knowledge base or mudheng mantab. Or it means also let people have a professional skill.
3. RasukanAs
the creation of the Almighty, let Javanese ngrasuk or through their
religion and worship of the Almighty God by faith and piety. This means let the fear of Allah SWT Java and always willing to do whatever Allah wills.
4. BenikClothing kejawen like beskap always comes with Benik (buttons) on the left and right. Coat Benik implicit in it is the act ought Javanese always diniknik (taken into account). Whatever will be done ought not to harm others, can keep between personal interests and the public interest.
5. BeltBelts worn wrapped the body in a way. Symbol
or the meaning of the belt is a man must be willing to work to make
ends meet, and therefore humans must Ubed (work in earnest) and not to
the work that no results or drunk (no profit, break even). Said belt means see that everything you do not ngebukne.
6. EpekEpek for the Javanese people have a sense that in order to work properly, must epek (stale, show, find) useful knowledge. During take science upayakanlah for diligent, conscientious and meticulous, so it can be understood clearly.
7. BucklePralambang
buckle that when science has taken it clearly understood or clearly,
there will be no worries (Samang-Samang, derived from the buckle).
8. JarikSinjang jarik or a length of fabric that will be worn to cover the body throughout the foot. Jarik meaningful â € œaja easy serikâ €?. That
is, do not easily jealous of others, respond to any problems that occur
must be very careful, not undue haste or emotionally.
9. PleatJarik or cloth worn constantly by means mewiru ends in such a way. Pleat or pleats bias occurs by folding-fold pleat ends jarik so tangible. Means, jarik not be separated from the pleat. Pleat,
meaning wiwiren wrote nganti kleru, Olahlah everything that happens in
such a way that biases foster a pleasant and harmonious atmosphere.
10. BebedCloth or jarik Bebed is being charged a man in the body throughout the leg. Bebed
means that humans must Ubed, work hard, be careful of all the things
that do and tumindak nggubed ing rina Wengi € means â € œbekerjalahâ
all day.
11. CanelaCanela has meant canthelna jroning nala, or hold firmly in your heart. Canela is synonymous with cripu, slippers, or sandals. Canela is always worn on the feet, which means the worship of Almighty God, let from birth to bow inward. In my heart is sumeleh, resigned to his power of the Most High.
12. Suspicious lan FrameSuspicious or dagger tangible wilahan, keys and contained in the sheath or container. Suspicious worn on the back of the body. Keris has a pralambang that dagger sheath sebagimana human as well as creation and creator, manunggaling Gusti servant.
the body is placed on the back, a dagger means that one in the worship
of Almighty God let human bias to ngungkurake godhaning devil always
annoying people when people would do good.
Puppet known since prehistoric times ie about 1500 years before Christ. Indonesian
society embracing animist beliefs such as ancestor worship of spirits
called or dahyang hyang, manifested in the form of statues or images.
Wayang is an Indonesian traditional arts are mainly developed in Java and Bali. Puppet
show has been recognized by UNESCO on November 7, 2003, as the work of
an amazing culture in the field of narrative story and legacy of
beautiful and valuable (Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of
are puppet versions played by people wearing costumes, known as
puppets, and some are in the form of a set of wayang puppets played by
a puppeteer. Wayang played by puppeteer which this form of wayang kulit or puppet show. The story is told in the wayang performance usually comes from the Mahabharata and Ramayana.
show in every country has its own style and technique, thus a man-made
puppets Indonesia Indonesia has the original story, style and
extraordinary puppeteer.
Sometimes repertoire Menak Panji stories and tales (stories of Muslims) staged anyway.
Puppet, by the predecessors of this country really contains a very deep meaning. Sunan Kali Jaga and Raden Patah very instrumental in developing the Puppet. The Wali in Java is set up in such a way into three parts. First
Puppet in East Java, the second Wayang Wayang Wong or people in Central
Java, and the third Marionette Puppet in West Java. Each highly bekaitan one another. Ie "Which Content (Wayang Wong), and Where the Skin (Puppet) to look for (Puppet Marionette)".
Batik is one way of making fabric. Besides batik can refer to two things. The first is the technique of coloring cloth using the night to prevent staining part of the fabric. In the international literature, this technique is known as wax-resist dyeing. The
second notion is the fabric or clothing made with these techniques,
including the use of certain motifs that have uniqueness. Batik
Indonesia, as the overall engineering, technology, and
development-related motives and culture, UNESCO has been designated a
Cultural Heritage for Humanity Oral and Nonbendawi (Masterpieces of the
Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity) since October 2, 2009.