Volleyball Game History
Volleyball game was created by William B Morgan in 1895 in Holyoke (eastern U.S.). William B Morgan is a physical education coach at Young Men Christain Association (MCA).
Volleyball game in America's rapid, so that in 1933 the YMCA volleyball championships held nsional.
Then the game of volleyball is spread throughout the world. In 1974, volleyball was first contested in Poland with a lot of participants. Then
in 1984 founded International Volleyball Federation or Internationnal
Volley Ball Federation (IVBF) which at that time consisted of 15
countries and is based in Paris.Volleyball game very fast development, among others due to:
1. Volleyball game does not require a large field.
2. Easy to play.
3. The tools that are used to play very simple.
4. This game is very fun.
5. Possibility of accidents is very small.
6. Can be played in the wild or in a confined space.
7. Can be played many
Volleyball game entered Indonesia in the Dutch colonial period (after 1928). Development of the game of volleyball in Indodesia very quickly. This was evident at the National Sports Week (PON) to-2 years, 1952 in Jakarta. Until now volleyball games including one official sport competed.
In 1955, exactly on January 22 established organizations Volleyball Indonesia (PBVSI) by its chairman W. J. Latumenten. After
the parent organization of volleyball, then on the 28th to 30 May 1955
and the congress held the first national championship in Jakarta.
looking at the development of the game of volleyball so rapidly it is
right that the government chooses to play volleyball as a sport
education in schools. Just in general volleyball game little difficulty in introducing the young students. The difficulty lies in the basic movements volleyball game.
B. Basic Techniques Volleyball Game
1. Understanding Techniques
is a process of giving birth and proof of a physical activity peraktek
quickly as possible to complete certain tasks in the sport (especially
branch volleyball game).
Said to be good if the technique in terms of anatomical / physiological mechanical and mental requirements are met properly. When
applied maximum achievement for analyzing movement techniques,
generally the teachers or coaches will be able to correct and improve
(Suharno, HP, 1983: 3).
2. Usability Techniques In Sports Branch
* Efficient and Effective to achieve maximum performance.
* To prevent and reduce the occurrence of injury
* To add a variety of techniques exist athletes during the game. (Suharno, HP. 1982: 30).
* Athletes will be more confident and optimistic in entering the arena (Engkos Kosasih, 1984: 109).
3. Ball Control Techniques
be able to control the ball perfectly to the fullest and at least one
player must have abilities like being able to perform well and passing
on the right of this basic technique is not negligible and should be
trained with less well, one must understand and truly master the
technique can control the ball with good and continuous, (Dleter Beullteshtahl. 1986: 9).
To be able to play volleyball well, one must understand and are able to master the technique of Berar control the ball well. By controlling the possession and exercise techniques that are expected to continue to play volleyball will be good and true.
4. Passing Down
under the normally used by the players when the ball came low, both to
be transferred to my teammates and to be returned to the field through
the net or the opponent's net.
5. Passing On
Passing on or passing the hand over is a way of taking the ball or pass over the head with your fingers. The ball is coming from above was taken with the fingers above, slightly in front of the head (Aip Syarifuddin, 1997: 69).
movement down and passing on that show that the use of passing the ball
that comes at low or in front of the chest, while passing over it when
the ball comes over or bounced. It
can be concluded that in order to receive the ball better and
appropriate service use compared with passing passing below the top, as
most sevice ball low and coming in front of the chest.
6. Service Down
is a way of doing a blow below the surface of the plot service by
hitting the ball with a hand from below in an attempt turn the ball in
play (Aip Syarifuddin, 1997: 70).Service
under a service performed by the hand, elbow straightened out and swing
arm from back to front through the side of the body, one hand holding
the ball and the ball bounced a spanking new. Service is very popular and is often performed by novice players.
7. Service Above
on is how to hit the beginning of the service by hitting the ball over
her head in an attempt to turn the ball in the game (Aip Syarifuddin,
1997: 53).Servise
on many variations, the ball can be inflated with a one-handed or
two-handed, high-bounce balls hanging from the mean punch and personal
enjoyment players. However,
in principle, be assured that the ball bounced high in such a way, so
that the whole series into a hit motion movements falter.
8. Service Side
side is to blow the beginning of the service area with a sideways
stance and weight is in the right foot (for a right-handed), palms
facing up (Mariyanto, 1995: 119). The
implementation of the service is the service side stand sideways to the
left side of the body closer to the net (for those who are
right-handed) both tanga together hold the ball. By the time the ball will be bounced, the agency diliukkan back and knees bent. Both
arms stretched out to the right side, so the ball out of hand, then
hand pulled aside the lower right, the weight is in the right foot,
palms facing up, hit the hand on the ball assisted by canting the body,
crack pergelangn arm and hand movements so that the ball after being hit hard and bounced with topspin.
9. Services Jump
is a way of shooting a jump start on your service area by jumping after
the ball bounced with one hand or two hands (Aip Syarifuddin, 1997:
59). Service jump ball bounced done with one or two hands. As soon as the ball bounced followed by jumping and cultivated the ball is above the front of the head. When the ball is above the front of the head, and quickly slapped his right hand on the ball as soon as possible.
10. Smash (Spike)
or spike is hitting the ball movement is done with the strong and the
way the ball hard and fast, sharp and hard to take a dip and if your
opponent blows it done quickly and right (Aip Syarifuddin, 1997: 58). In
this technique lies the art smash volleyball games, where players want
to win the game then inevitably they have to master the technique
smash. Players
who are good at doing a smash or a term Smasher must have agility,
explosive power, timing and has the ability to hit the ball perfect. Volleyball
players will be able to perform a wide variety of smash when the player
mastering the basic techniques smash well and properly.
11. Stem
Stem (Blocking) is the movement of one or a few players who are near net / forward (Aip Syarifuddin, 1997: 58). Aim
to cover or stem the arrival of the ball from the opponent's court, the
way by holding both hands up to the right height higher net from the
edge or lip.
During the blocking attention should continue to the ball, the position of the ball and pendangan Smasher eye of the Smasher. T