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Unknown On Minggu, 04 November 2012

END OF GOVERNMENT NEW ORDERThe success of the New Order government in implementing economic development, should be recognized as a major achievement for the people of Indonesia. Plus the increase in physical infrastructure infrastructure that can be enjoyed by most people of Indonesia.
However, the success of the economy and infrastructure of the New Order is less balanced with mental development (character building) of the executive government (bureaucrats), security and economic actors (entrepreneurs / conglomerate). Kalimaksnya, in mid-1997, corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN), which has become a culture (the rulers, authorities and powers)
1. Causes of emergence of Reform
Many things that were conducive to reforms on the New Order government, mainly located in inequality in the political, economic and legal. New Order's determination of its inception in 1966 is to implement Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution genuine and consistent in the order of the society, nation and state.
After holding a stack of New Order power in controlling the government, appears a desire to continue to maintain his power or status quo. This raises nagatif accesses, which is farther away from the initial determination of the New Order. Finally, corruption and deviation from the values ​​of Pancasila and provisions contained in the 1945 Constitution, many carried out by the New Order government.
2. Krisi Politics
Democracy is not carried out properly will cause political problems. There is a sense of popular sovereignty in the hands of a particular group, even more on hold by the authorities. In the 1945 Constitution, Article 2 has been mentioned that "Sovereignty is the hands of the people and carried out entirely by the Assembly". Basically the de Jore (legal) sovereignty of the people is carried out by the Assembly as representatives of the people, but the de facto (in fact) a member of the Assembly is set up and engineered, so most of the members of the Assembly were appointed by ties of kinship (nepotism) .
Things like this lead to the emergence of distrust to government, parliament, and MPR. Distrust that's caused the emergence of the reform movement. The reform movement demanding reforms to the total in all areas, including membership of the House of the Assembly deemed dam filled with nuances of corruption.
The reform movement also demanded that conducted the renewal of the five packages of political laws is considered a source of injustice

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