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Unknown On Selasa, 06 November 2012

Definition of Ideology
The term comes from Greek ideology, consists of two words, namely the idea and logy. Idea is to see (idean), while logy derived from the word logos, meaning knowledge or theory. Thus, ideology can be defined as a set of concepts that made applying the principles, opinions (events) are members of direction and purpose for survival.
According to some political experts as well as the sense according to some dictionaries, ideologies have some understanding as follows.
a. According Soerjanto Poespowardojo
Ideology is the underlying principle for the behavior of an individual or a nation in civic life and state.
b. According Sumarno
Ideolodi kestuan fundamental idea is a thorough and systematic tentag lives of humans.
c. According to Krech, Crutchfield, and Ballachey
Ideology is the doctrines of thought or way of thinking one or the other.
d. According to Big Indonesian Dictionary
Ideology is a set of values, ideas, norms, beliefs, and beliefs of a person or group of people with the basis in determining attitudes towards events and political problems facing it and that determine political behavior.
e. According to The Advanced Learner's Dictionary
Ideology is a system of thought that has been formulated for the political and economic theory.
f. According to Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary
Ideology is a way of life or behavior or the result of thinking that shows certain traits in an individual or a class or a pattern of thinking about development or cultural movement
According Koento Wibisono, when examined closely there are similarities of all elements of ideology. Similarities are as follows.
a. Confidence, means in every ideology always contain vital ideas and basic concepts that describe a set of beliefs. The set of beliefs or behavior oriented towards human actions as subjects supporters to achieve a goal aspired.
b. Myth, meaning every ideology always be optimistic memitoskan sesuati-determistik teachings. That is, teach how ideology would have achieved.
c. Loyalty, means in every ideology has always demanded loyalty and optimal involvement of supporters.
If a concept embraced by a person, group of people, nation, or state that the concept of ideology. Therefore, the ideology of human nature, static, and as a basic guideline. Then, when the ideology intended to achieve certain political affairs of the state relating to the so-called political ideology. Thus, political ideology or belief is the formulation of a program owned by the state, nation, political party, or political association intends achieving political goals.
In addition, political ideology also interpret or analyze the events of social, economic, cultural, to achieve the desired goal. Political ideology will determine what should be done in a political system.
Based on these explanations, the Pancasila ideology firmly established itself as a political or ideological state. Therefore, Pancasila deserves to be basic guidelines in the political organization of the country. All citizens must always preserve the values ​​of Pancasila as the state ideology. In addition, the Pancasila ideology must also be able to guide and give confidence that Pancasila Indonesia could bring the nation to achieve its goals.

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