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Unknown On Rabu, 07 November 2012

Sprints are run at full speed all the distances that must be taken, or until a predetermined distance. Runners also called sprinter
Athletic Numbers1. No. Run-. Sprint 100, 200, 400 meters-. Running secondary jaraj 800, 1500 meters-. Distance running 5000, 10000 meters and marathon 42.195 kmtechnically use squat used the same start. the difference is only on the efficient use of energy, due to differences in the distance that must be taken. The further the distance that must be taken to be the more power is needed.How to Start SquattingdsGerakan sprint is divided into three phases: star, motion sprint (sprint), finish the movement.StartIn this race, there are three ways star, is:- Star standing (standing start)- Star squat (crouching start)- Start floating (flying start) made just for runners to II, III and IV in estapet run 4 x 100 m.Start TechniqueAttitudes start on cue willingWatch!!! On cue willing runner toward the starting line to put the pivot foot on the starting block, put a strong foot in front. put your right hand behind the starting line.The things that are important in the attitude of start:1. The location of the hands slightly wider than shoulders, fingers and thumb to form an inverted V, shoulders thrust forward / slightly in front of the hand, arms straight.2. Head so that the neck is not strained, eyes looking to track approximately 2m or outlook between the two arms overlooks the star.3. Body relax / not rigid4. Mind focused on the next cue.5. Distance lies the leg of the line depends on the form of star attitude dipegunakan:Bunch start / start squatting over short distancesThe layout of the rear legs apart roughly 25-30 cm. rear toe is placed in line with the heel of the foot faces when in stance. Distance away from the line star of approximately: 45 cm front foot, back foot 70 cm, depending on the length of the leg.Medium start / start squatting medium rangeAt the time of the attitude of kneeling, laying beside the rear knee toe front, star distance away from the line of the front foot about 37 cm, 85 cm belakng feet, depending on the length of the leg.longated start / remote start squattingAt the time of the attitude of the knees, behind the knees lies alongside the back of the heel of the front foot, Agis star dai foot distance approx: 32 cm front legs, back legs 100 cm, depending on the length of each leg runners.Movement on cue ReadyLift your hips upward until sidikit higher than the shoulders, so the line back down the fore. More weight forward. keep up the balance of the next cue sound of a gun. Low head, neck remain relaxed (casual ONLY!), Sight lines toward the star at the bottom of the hand. Arms straight / elbows do not bend. At the time of lifting the hips accompanied by taking a deep breath. The most important concentration on gun sound / sound sound sempritan or other mutually agreed.Movement when cue Yes or Sound Pistol
Swing your left arm forward and right arm back vigorously (arm movements must be in harmony with the motion of the foot). The left foot firmly refused to sometimes straight. step right foot as soon as possible, as low as possible to reach the ground in the first step. Weight loss should glide straight ahead, from changing attitudes kesikap squatting run, the weight should rise gradually indirect upright, avoid sideways movement. Steps to run more and more wide, six to nine first step merupak transition steps. Breathing normally, hold your breath means enforcing agency.One thing that need attention before making a star is heating as well as possible, stimulate the joints and stretch muscles coupled with sprinting motion. This was done to prevent possible injury to the muscle.Movement finishThere are several ways that can be done at the time the runners reached the finish.Keep running without any changes. Skewed to the front of the chest, both arms swinging down the back, or in the Java language called ambyuk. Dada played with the swing arm to the front door so that the shoulders forward, commonly called The String.Last 20 meters before the finish line Brazilians perjungan to achieve victory in the race, then you need to consider is the pace, do not look at your opponent, do not jump, and do not slow the pace before passing the finish line.

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