Waste is an endless problem. Every day trash accumulating. Comparison between the amount of waste generated is not balanced by the garbage under cultivation. With increasing human activities, the number of pendduk, but the availability of human living space is relatively fixed. The more advanced the human lifestyle, the more waste is generated.
to the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO) waste is
something that is not used, not used, not welcome or anything derived
from discarded human activities and does not occur by itself (Chandra,
2006). Waste
Management Act No. 18 of 2008 states waste is leftover human daily
activities and / or from natural processes that shaped solid.
Soemirat July (1994) argues that garbage is something that is not required by the have-intensive. Anwar
(1990) says is a waste is a part of something that is not used, it is
not desirable or something that must be disposed of, primarily from
human activities performed (including the industry) but not biological
as human waste (human waste) are not included into it .
(2003) defines waste as an object that is not used or is not desired
and should be discarded, which is produced by human activities. American
public health experts set limits, garbage (waste) is something that is
not used, not used, not liked, or something thrown, derived from human
activities, and does not happen by itself. From this definition it is clear that human activity is the result of waste being dumped because it was useless. Thus the waste contains the following principles:
1. The existence of some object or solid material
2. There is a direct / indirect human activity.
3. Object or material is not used anymore (Notoatmojo, 2003)
Sources of Waste
1. Waste from residential (domestic wastes)
consists of solid materials as a result of household activities that
have been used and discarded, like leftovers either already cooked or
not, both paper wrappers, plastic, leaves, etc., secondhand clothes,
materials reading materials, household furniture, foliage from the garden or park.
Waste from public places
Trash is derived from public places, such as markets, entertainment venues, bus terminals, train stations, and so on. Waste in the form of paper, plastic, bottles, leaves, and so on.
Waste from office
Waste from the office either office of education, trade, department, company, and so on. Trash is in the form of paper, plastic, carbon, clips and so on. Generally these are inorganic rubbish, and flammable (rubbish).
Waste from highway
comes from street cleaning, which generally consists of: paper,
cardboard, dust, rocks, sand, scrap tires, spare parts of vehicles that
fall, leaves, plastic, and so on.
Waste from industry (industrial wastes)
garbage coming from the industry, including waste from the construction
industry, and all the waste from the production process, for example:
waste packing of goods, metal, plastic, wood, pieces of textiles, cans,
and so on.
Waste from agricultural / plantation
is as a result of the plantation or farm eg straw, the remaining
vegetables, rice straw, corn stalks, broken sticks, and so on.
Waste from mining
comes from the mine, and type depending on the type of mining itself,
maisalnya: rocks, soil / rock, sand, the remnants of burning
(charcoal), and so on.
Waste from petenakan and fisheries
Waste from farms and fisheries, such as: animal droppings, scraps dead animals, etc. (Notoatmojo, 2003).
Waste can be divided into several types, such as:
Trash based chemicals contained therein:
Inorganic waste
Inorganic waste is waste that generally can not be decomposed, such as: metal / iron, broken glass, plastic and so on.
Organic waste
Organic waste is waste that generally can rot, for example: food scraps, leaves, fruits and so on.
Based on whether or not trash can and burned: Waste combustibles, such as: paper, rubber, wood, plastic, cloth and so on.
1. Waste that can not be burned, for example: cans, iron / scrap metal, broken glass, glass, etc. (Notoatmodjo, 2003).
2. Trash by characteristics
1. Ash (Ashes)
Is the combustion of flammable materials, whether at home, in the office and industrial.
1. Street Trash (Street Sweeping)
Derived from the street and sidewalk cleaning, consists of paper, dirt and leaves.
Animal carcasses (Dead Animal)
That dead animals that died a natural disaster, illness or accident.
Trash settlement (Household refuse)
That mixed waste from residential areas.
Carcass Vehicle (Abandoned vehicles)
Which includes this kind of garbage is dead cars, trucks, trains, satellites, ships and other transportas tool.
Waste industry
Composed of solid waste from industrial processing of agricultural produce, plants and other industries.
Trash result demolition / building (Demolotion waste)
Ie waste from renovation of buildings / building.
Waste from the construction area
Ie waste from the rest of the construction, repair and renovation of buildings. Waste from this area contains soil, rocks, pieces of wood, tools glue, paper and others.
The Solid Waste Waste Water (Sewage Solid)
Waste consisting of objects that are generally organic substances distillate at the entrance of a waste water treatment center.
Special Waste
waste that requires special handling in management, such as paint cans,
film scrap, radioactive substances and toxic substances. (Mukono, 2006).
the stormy sources and types of waste that is around us, the problem of
garbage is often not a matter of deep thought for all citizens. Trash at home is often just thrown in the tub or trash can. Furthermore, waste is a matter for the garbage collector or city janitor to throw into the landfill. On the other hand, the vacant land to be increasingly limited landfill. Therefore we discuss the waste management efforts in the community with the principle of reuse.
the increase of population it also increases the need for food,
clothing, and shelter that are directly or indirectly will increase the
amount of waste. Therefore, it needs proper handling of waste that does not pose a problem for both humans and the environment.
Reksosoebroto (1985) in Efrianof (2001) waste management is essential
for achieving quality clean and healthy environment, thus waste should
be managed in the best possible way that things are negative for life
not to happen. In
environmental health sciences, a waste management is considered good if
the garbage do not become breeding of germs and the trash is not a
media intermediary extent of disease spread. Other
requirements that must be met in waste management is to not pollute the
air, water, and soil, odorless (aesthetics), did not cause a fire and
so forth.
(1977) in Maulana (1998) said that waste management is a field related
to the regulation of the accumulation, storage (temporary), the
collection, transfer and transport, processing and disposal of waste in
a manner in accordance with the best principles of public health economic,
technical (engineering), environmental protection (conservation),
beauty and other environmental considerations, and also considering the
attitude of the community. According
to Cunningham (2004) stages of modern waste management consists of the
3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) before finally annihilated or destroyed.
The current reality, garbage becomes difficult to manage because of various things:
1. The rapid development of technology, faster than society's ability to manage and understand the problems of waste
2. Increased levels of community life that are not accompanied by the harmony of knowledge about waste
3. Increased operating costs, and construction management in all fields, including waste
4. Habits
inefficient waste management, incorrect, polluting water, air and soil,
thereby also increase the population of vector borne diseases such as
flies and mice
5. Failure
in the recycling and reuse of used goods is also the inability of the
community to maintain the goods so quickly broken, Or manufacture
products at a very low quality, so it quickly becomes garbage
6. The
more difficult it is to land a place Tembuangan Final (landfill) waste,
in addition to land and land formations that are not suitable for waste
disposal is also a competition will increasingly complex land use
7. Increasing number of people who objected to the region was used as a garbage dump
8. Lack of monitoring and enforcement
9. Difficult to store waste temporarily rapid decay, because the weather is getting warmer.
10. Difficulty of finding public participation to dispose of waste in place and maintain cleanliness
11. Inadequate financing, given that until recently mostly managed by the garbage
12. Waste
management in the past and the present lack of attention to
non-technical factors such as non-technical and public participation
and education about healthy living and clean.
Of the various problems arising from waste, then, we can address them by using the principle of reuse. However, the principle of reuse can not be separated from the other principles because sometimes interconnected.
The principles can be applied in handling such waste by applying 3-R, 4-R or 5-R. 3-R
waste management is the concept of waste in a way reduce (mitigate),
reuse (reuse), recycle (recycle bins), while the 4-R plus replace
(replace) from the source. Principle 5-R in addition to the above four principles coupled with REpLaNT (replant). 4-R
waste management is very important to implement in the context of urban
solid waste management more efficient and effective, which is expected
to reduce the cost of waste management.
The principle of reuse is performed in a way as possible choose items that can be used again. Avoid the use of goods are disposable. It can memeperpanjang the use of goods before they become waste. Some ways to do that:
1. Reuse containers / packaging for the same function or any other function.
2. Use containers / bags can be used over and over again.
3. Use rechargeable batteries.
4. Develop other benefits of waste.
5. Use office tools that can be used over and over again.
6. Use electronic storage devices that can be erased and rewritten.
7. Reuse of waste can still be used for other products, such as animal feed.
8. Provide
incentives for customers who bring their own containers, or containers
groceries produced by the concerned department as evidence of loyal
9. Provide equipment for general product replenishment refill.
10. Choose products with packaging that can be recycled
11. Use products that can be recharged (refilled)
12. Reduce the use of disposable materials
13. Plastic bag is used for trash
14. Canned / large basin used for flower pots or bins
15. Glass or plastic bottles for seedling pots, and a variety of crafts
16. Former thick plastic packaging used as refill bags
17. Styrofoam is used for the base pot or glue
18. Rags / used clothes for wipes, mats, etc.
19. Magazines or books for the library
20. The paper used for wrapping paper
is something that is not used, not used, not welcome or anything
derived from discarded human activities and does not happen by itself.
Way to waste that is using the principle of 3-R, 4-R or 5-R and one of them is to reuse. The
principle is the principle of reuse waste by reusing waste that can
still be used for the same function and other functions. This treatment is good enough for environmental management, but the principle is also sometimes need another R principles.
Many things on this earth nature damage due to unmanaged waste from household garbage to the garbage bins of the industry. For that let us preserve our environment. Let's
clever clever sort or member items that can be reused or used for other
functions sehinnga can extend the life of the items to be rubbish.