The emergence of the Antichrist and the decrease of the Prophet Isa ASImam Mahdi will rule the whole world is full of just and secure peace for thirty years. In the thirtieth year of the reign, will come out a creature that is very great and very large fitnahnya against all of humanity that is able to destroy the whole of humanity. That Antichrist is always called by the king SAW-mentioned to his companions RA. Indeed, it is very large Dajjal fitna so no slander bigger than backbiting Dajjal, since made his doomsday earth until well blown by the angel Israfil U.S..Dajjal initially out of a road in the area of Khurasan, then make kerosakan to the right and left, namely heading west and then to the East as well. Dajjal go west to get the Jews which is a collection Asbihan-Askar Askar right. At this time, almost all the Jews of the Antichrist will be a loyal Askar kerana they will be given the clothing, food and drink in moderation while at that time was bermaharaja Jaunty kebuluran around the world, especially in the north who do not embrace Islam.Throughout the entire period that the Antichrist rule for 40 days, Muslims besieged in the city of Mecca, in Medina, at the Mount Tursina and administrative center in Baitulmaqdis namely Imam Mahdi. Muslims who are outside of the protection of this all will be killed by the Antichrist who is very cruel. If it does not die too, they surely would prevail influenced by the Antichrist to be followers. The besieged Muslims will experience extreme distress, and distress kebuluran. Kerana ran out of food and drinks, they catch the dew to drink and eat the bones that had been pounded into destruction.Everything had to be borne by them and no exception is Imam Mahdi himself. Dajjal will come to the city every day Makkah and cuba to enter but fail kerana the entrances to the holy city was willing escorted by angels are layered so that there is no room for the Antichrist and his followers entered it despite what any way. Dajjal will also each day to enter the city of Medina cuba but failed. And in every morning, after dawn, the Antichrist will go to Baitulmaqdis to see the state of the Muslims who were besieged and cuba influence them to become followers.On the morning of the forty, the Antichrist comes to Baitulmaqdis as usual together Jewish Askar it to see the state of the Muslims who have long weakened kerana run out of food. The goal is to mempelawa everywhere Muslims are willing to become followers. If until our other features to it, suddenly ternampak Dajjal Prophet Isa AS was in the middle of the Muslim community, already down from the sky and get ready a spear in his hand. Dajjal is very surprised to see where the Prophet Isa AS kerana willing to know it is a sign that free days will be gone. So in the meantime also Dajjal Prophet Isa cuba fleeing the U.S.. Stay Askar-askarnya the bertempiaran fled, but was soon killed by Prophet Isa AS all of them so that they die not far away.Prophet Isa AS then immediately pursue Dajjal from behind. By kerana too fat, it is very lousy Antichrist movement, while the Prophet Isa AS was chased from the back through the air, namely by flying through the air like a flight of birds and did not use the wheel. It was one of his miracles that God kurniakan him specifically for use on the end of the world, after initially lowered into the earth. Dajjal run serata place while the U.S. is getting close to Jesus in tow. Finally, when arriving at Baitulmaqdis, Antichrist debuted killed by Nab 'Isa AS.After Dajjal died, the Muslims who live a little further out of the other features in the patronage and with the help of the Prophet Isa AS, they were fighting the Jews. So Jews were killed to the bitter end, no one of them was left alive but a true believer other features. During the fight the Jews, and the stone principal helped. This is partly another miracle sacred Prophet Isa AS and Imam Mahdi.